During production quality control and consistency are
all-important. To maintain our high standards we follow the regu
lations to the letter. We produce over 1.2 million pieces of porce
lain each month on state-of-the-art European and Japanese
equipment meeting our clients’ exacting requirements. Even
having the best equipment in the world is nothing without a
skilled and dedicated work force to operate and maintain it. That
is how we obtain the high-quality standards and on-time delivery
Proof of our production team’s diligent efforts is our world stan
dard awards; ISO 14,001:2004, for an environmental management
system. ISO 9001:2008 for a quality management system. We
also have CT-PAT and SNI certifications. These are all awards of
which we are extremely proud.
Enjoy browsing, and if by any chance you don’t see what you are
looking please do not hesite to call or email us your requirements.